

太阳2平台在其年度领导力奖活动中表彰杰出的领导力榜样, 由学生事务处统筹. 2024年的演讲, community members gathered for lunch and ceremony to celebrate students, faculty and staff for their contributions on campus and beyond.

学生选拔委员会, 教职员工审查了来自校园社区的提名,并选出了“杰出泥人”, 杰出新兴领袖, 优秀学生组织, 迪恩·桑德伯格奖, 杜曼学生利他主义奖 and Outstanding 教职员工 members. 打开事件, 哈里特·内姆哈德总统说, “Thank you for joining us to celebrate and support one another, demonstrating our commitment to embracing the many forms of 领导 at Harvey Mudd College.”


克里斯·桑德伯格院长, 尼罗·菲利普斯24岁, Moyo Oyedeji-Olaniyan ' 25, 25岁的Shreya Balaji和院长Cindy Martinez

Recognizes students who contribute to the community and demonstrate creativity, 领导, 团队合作, 道德, 包容, 社区参与, wellness and communication in curricular and co-curricular endeavors. 今年有三位泥人获得了这个奖项.

Shreya Balaji, 25岁

一位提名人写道, “Shreya is what comes to mind when I think of an outstanding Mudder. 她自愿奉献自己的时间, 具有创造力和良好的沟通能力,以支持学院社区和促进学院的使命……一个住宿生活导师和积极参加俱乐部, Shreya通过在迎新会和其他活动中帮助欢迎新Mudders来到校园,并在她的同龄人中担任领导角色,展示了她的领导能力. She works hard but also makes time for others, and herself, epitomizing work-life balance. Shreya总是愿意帮助政府, 教职工和她的同学们, and does so with a philanthropic spirit and positive attitude. 她已经证明,她是一个强有力的倡导者,可以激励一群人支持更大的利益.”

Moyo Oyedeji-Olaniyan ' 25

包括提名人的评论, Moyo以她对公平的承诺为指导, understanding and support for underrepresented community members, 并努力创造一个让学生感到被重视和学术支持的校园环境, 情感上和经济上. Serving as co-president of Black Lives at Mudd (BLAM), Moyo spearheaded the relaunch of the BLAM Mentorship Program, designed to ease the transition of Black first years into the College community, 为新生提供宝贵的支持. Moyo还帮助引入了新的年度传统,这不仅使HMC黑人学生社区更加紧密,而且还提供了建立网络的机会, 个人发展, increased student engagement and a sense of belonging. 也, in collaboration with a group of fellow students in the Class of 2025, Moyo has helped rein状态 the National Society of Black Engineers Chapter, further expanding opportunities for Black students in STEM fields.

除了她在BLAM的角色, 莫约创立并领导了黑人校园事工, 一个跨校园的学生组织,致力于培养黑人和棕色人种学生的信仰. 通过募捐活动, 圆桌会议讨论, off-campus trips and nights filled with music and worship, she is working to create a space for spiritual growth and interfaith dialogue.”


菲利普斯的提名者评论道, “尼罗在参与马德社区的各个方面都是领导者,在学术和社会方面都体现了领导力. 在学业上, 他从事研究工作, grutoring and works at The Office of 职业服务, where he has helped many with resume reviews and technical interview practice. 社会, 他为5c管理一支俱乐部篮球队, 是否积极参与校园周围的社交活动, 他是一位住宿生活导师, 影响了很多学生, 甚至在他自己的学员小组之外. Nile是他的诊所团队的领导者,最近参加了一个学生小组,向年轻一代的潜在CS专业学生介绍在诊所团队中脱颖而出所需的好处和责任. People consistently go to him for advice and guidance. 尼罗能兼顾如此多的学术和社会责任,同时把他所有的努力和思想都投入其中, which really has helped push the Mudd community forward.”




Lucas Lemos, 26岁

“Lucas is someone who stands for justice, integrity and compassion,一位提名人写道. “He has been a leader in organizing a healthy and vibrant community around him, 持续投资于他人. He often reaches out and invites people for meals and is described by peers as a caring, 好朋友和榜样. 卢卡斯有出色的领导才能, being someone who leads by example and inspires those around him. 一个很好的例子就是他创立的摇篮之爱, 一个新的, 非政治性的, 非宗教附属的5C服务俱乐部,其使命是为怀孕和养育克莱蒙特学生提供情感和物质上的服务, 尤其是通过去污名化青少年怀孕. The club reflects Lucas’ personal values of justice, equity and compassion through service. 在整个学年里,卢卡斯投入了大量资金来组织“摇篮之爱”的后勤工作, initiating outreach to local campus and community groups. 他还协调, led and facilitated the group’s initial campus events, 他承担了大部分的工作,并激励他的同龄人也为这项事业付出努力. 卢卡斯展示了巨大的潜力,作为一个社区领袖和有影响力的成员在马德和克莱蒙特学院社区.”


SWE代表和院长eveth Gonzalez

被认可的学生组织,对校园或更广泛的社区产生积极影响,并表现出诚信, 领导和团队合作.


包括提名人的评论, “尽管SWE一直拥有强大的影响力, this year has shown 一个新的 excitement and determination to go above and beyond, making SWE a club that supports students in the ways they need it most. SWE’s 团队合作 and commitment to providing support for the Mudd community is unparalleled, and this has much to do with hard work and enthusiastic collaboration of the team of officers. By hosting events with companies throughout the year, SWE allowed Mudd students to get a preview of the impact of their work on society.”



由Dana Seaton于2006年创立, and with support from Warren Katzenstein ’04 and Nate Yoder ’06, 院长克里斯·桑德伯格奖(500美元)表彰一名表现出卓越领导力和对学院社区产生积极影响的后进生.


学生们形容桑多瓦尔是一位有洞察力的领导者,举止冷静,决策能力自信. “他一直表现出领导能力和责任感,在为所有学生提供支持方面非常有帮助,一位提名人写道. “伊森有一种谦卑的感觉, always treating everyone equally whether he knows them well or not. He has been known to support other students through interpersonal conflicts, 时间管理问题, academic challenges and even crisis situations requiring advanced support. 在, 伊桑保持冷静,并向其他人表明他们有能力做出正确的决定. He always looks for the best in others and has a positive impact on everyone he interacts with. 他是一个很好的例子,一个人活出了荣誉准则的价值观,并不断地回馈社会.”


乔治亚·克莱因24岁, 克里斯·桑德伯格院长 and Dean Cindy Martinez

由多尔曼家族基金会创立, 该奖项旨在表彰一名被同龄人选为“为同学们做得最多的人”的应届毕业生.” The awardee is selected based on nominations by student peers. The recipient of the 杜曼学生利他主义奖 will receive a monetary award.


An excerpt from Georgia’s nominations 状态s, “Georgia embodies the definition of altruism. 她习惯性地支持她的同龄人,并乐于鼓励同学申请有声望的工作和奖学金, 毫无保留地帮助他们准备申请材料,让他们了解面试过程. Her commitment to the shared success of her peers does not stop there. Georgia is involved in many parts of Mudd life from admissions, 希克森中心, ASHMC, CS, 诊所及俱乐部, 比如“泥人有所作为”. 她在宿舍里营造了一种社区意识,并且在参议院会议上毫不畏惧地发表自己的意见. 乔治娅还体现了一位关心自己工作影响的科学家的特点. 她选择了忧思科学家联盟(Union of Concerned Scientists)的一个诊所项目,这样她就可以从事她认为能带来改变的工作,她正在从事汽车排放政策方面的职业.”


CS professor Lucas Bang and 学院院长 Tom Donnelly

授予超越其工作职责,为学生和/或学生组织提供导师服务并体现Mudd价值观的教师, such as collaboration and care for the campus community.

Lucas Bang,计算机科学助理教授

一位提名人写道, “邦教授对学生和工作充满热情,和蔼可亲,是一位令人难以置信的教授, 良师益友. 教授. Bang helps keep class engaging, collaborative and applicable. 在他的实验室里, he creates a cohesive environment by bringing people together, making sure everyone feels appreciated and that they are contributing meaningfully to the work. 作为研究顾问, 他带来了广博的知识,并且在将复杂的研究和写论文的过程分解成每周的目标和任务方面表现出色, 帮助学生达到重要的里程碑. 作为计算机科学系研究生院的协调员, 他对申请研究生院的学生给予了不可思议的支持,并指导他们完成了申请过程的所有步骤.”


Associate 注册商 Nabel Villafaña and 学院院长 Tom Donnelly

Recognizes a staff member for their positive contributions to the campus, their 领导 and willingness to make a difference in the lives of students.

Nabel Villafaña,副注册主任

提名者提到了Villafaña孜孜不倦的职业道德, 这种行为, 引导公平和正义感,并希望为学院的使命服务. “她总是愿意在复杂或简单的任务中帮助别人,并且以一种友好的方式来帮助和提供信息,一位提名人写道. “Nabel is often regarded as one of the most consistently reliable staff members on campus. She has a great depth of knowledge about how things work at HMC.”