Job Search Toolbox

The first block of resources is for international students as well as students looking for employers where diversity and inclusion is a priority. 也有有色人种学生的资源, LGBTQIA students, 残疾学生, 对于无证学生. 我们还为运动员、退伍军人和女性提供资源.

The next block of resources consists of additional places to look for opportunities outside of what is provided by Handshake. The next block of resources lists a few staffing agencies looking for STEM talent.

We often get asked about salary information for negotiation purposes, so in addition to our Impact Report,我们有大量的资源来帮助您研究薪资数据. The final block of resources will help you with determining cost of living in various places; help you determine if you have a fair offer; and help you budget how you will live plus a resource to help you find living arrangements.

LinkedIn is also a helpful tool to network with alumni as well as find internships and full time opportunities. 要充分利用LinkedIn,请使用 完美LinkedIn个人资料的10个技巧 创造一个令人印象深刻的个人资料.

对于非营利性职业,你可能需要搜索 Idealist 对于政府工作, USAJobs. 另外,看看我们的雇主合作伙伴提供的资源: Indeed and Zip Recruiter.

Job Search Resources


Resources for Athletes
Athlete Network -运动员帮助运动员.

Requirements along with instructions on how to apply for CPT can be obtained by contacting Dean Nikki, Assistant Dean for Institutional Diversity and 国际学生和太阳2平台 at

Uniworld -是一个跨国公司数据库. It can help international students find subsidiaries between their home country and cities in the US. This is a great strategy to find companies who are familiar with your country of origin, 尤其是当你在美国的时候. Access Uniworld through Handshake, OCS职业生涯管理系统.

My Visa Jobs -作为一名国际学生有很多找工作的资源.


Diversity Employers -为那些寻求职业信息的人准备的杂志, job opportunities, /专业学校毕业, internships/co-ops, study abroad programs, and other employment and career advancement opportunities with employers who are interested in recruiting a diverse workforce.

美国印第安人全国代表大会 -来自美国印第安人的工作机会, Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native organizations looking to hire Native American people.

北美伊斯兰教协会 – 与北美伊斯兰协会(ISNA)合作的资源和活动.

LatPro – provides a search resume database and job postings for Hispanic and bilingual professionals (Spanish/English and Portuguese/English).

西班牙裔物理学家协会 -促进机会和突出西班牙裔物理学家的成就.

LGBTQ在美国工作场所的权利 -保护LGBTQIA工人.

Out&Equal – allows visitors and users to view job opportunities from a broad variety of diversity-friendly employers, review career resources, 并了解LGBTQIA社区即将举办的活动.

Out Professionals  -网络资源和招聘板.

OUT for Work – a non-profit organization focused on helping LGBTQIA college students successfully transition from academia to the work place. OUT for Work在他们的网站上推荐了合作伙伴公司, 为那些寻找支持LGBTQIA雇主的人.

Out for Undergrad - LGBTQ学生会议.

GLSEN -同性恋,异性恋教育网络.

人权运动,年度企业平等报告 – Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is a civil rights organization and annually rates hundreds of American employers in regards to their LGBTQIA inclusive policies and practices.

国家跨性别平等中心 -从包容性组织中发现机会的资源.

国家女同性恋权利中心 -从包容性组织中发现机会的资源 and how to deal with legal challenges.

Pride at Work – a division of AFL-CIO.

Emphasizing and Empowering the T in LGBTQ for Allies and Transgender People in Tech -为LGBTQ群体赋权的资源.

Zety -一个帮助残疾人找工作的博客.

Entry Point – offers students with apparent and non-apparent disabilities internship opportunities in science, engineering, mathematics, computer science, 还有一些商业领域.

雇佣残疾解决方案 – information and resources for individuals to connect with employers and find employment opportunities.

Workplace & 就业:美国残疾人协会 – partners with several employers to offer internship programs specifically for young persons with disabilities. Actively recruits Washington DC – based organizations to participate in the Greater Washington Internship Coalition, offering even more opportunities to these talented students and young professionals.

Autism Hiring Program -透过微软提供. 有意者可直接将简历发送至

《太阳2平台》 -与就业有关的资源汇编.


Immigrants Rising -为无证学生提供资源,包括研究生奖学金.

United We Dream -为DACA学生提供额外资源.

Resources for Women
SWE -女工程师协会.

Women in Stem -用于指导、网络等的资源.

Resources for Veterans
CareerOneStop ——职业探索、培训和就业.

Resources by Industry

Artificial Intelligence

Government AI -列出政府职位的机会.

LinkedIn AI Jobs

AI Job Board -将学生与各种人工智能公司的工作联系起来.

人工智能发展协会 -列出当前的职位空缺.

Computer Science

Wellfound -(前身为AngelList)将学生与创业工作和信息联系起来.

计算机协会 -计算机科学专业协会.

Dice – Information Technology (IT) job board with high tech permanent, contract and consulting jobs. -海外工程机会.


教师资格证书 -认证信息和全国教学工作.

HigherEdJobs -学院和大学的教师和行政职位.

EDJOIN -在教育太阳2注册平台找到广泛的工作,主要是K-12.

EdSurge -教育技术、教育、技术和教学方面的工作.

Work in EdTech – wide range of EdTech jobs including Engineering, Product and Design, and Data Analytics.


美国航空航天学会(AIAA)职业生涯 -将学生与航空航天业的工作联系起来.

美国化学工程师学会 -列出当前的职位空缺, posted in Chemical Engineering Progress Magazine and on the AiChEWeb.

美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)职位 -列出土木工程师当前的工作.

美国机械工程师学会 -机械工程师的职业和教育资源.

生物医学工程学会(BMES)招聘板 -列出生物医学行业目前的工作.

电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)职位 -列出EE和CS中当前的工作.

工业和系统工程师协会(IISE)职位 -列出工业和系统工程方面的当前工作. -连接学生到材料和冶金职位.

NASA -为想在NASA工作的个人提供的职业资源.

核能研究所(NEI)招聘板 -列出与核工程有关的公司及文章.

Space Crew-一个包含所有最新航天行业工作的网站.


可持续发展职业 – provides an overview of common green career paths and breaks down employment opportunities by state.

生态工作:环境和保护工作  -全国范围内有用的招聘信息. -为求职者提供职位列表和简历以及培训, internship, 就业机会.

Green Jobs Network – searchable database of environmental and social responsibility positions throughout the US.

GreenBiz JobLink -职位及简历发布中心.

环境工作岗位 -就业公告栏专门关注全球可再生能源领域的就业. – links to databases that has information about the varying educational institutions with ocean-related programs and descriptions of more than 50 ocean occupations.

Work for Water – resources to help find jobs and prepare for a career in protecting public health and the environment.


USAJOBS -联邦政府的官方就业网站.

GoGovernment联邦实习查找器 – created by the Partnership for Public Service to simplify your search for federal opportunities.

Government AI -列出了人工智能政府职位的机会.

美国统计协会(ASA)工作委员会 -列出当前统计学家的职位空缺.

数学女性协会 -女性数学工作公告栏.

美国数学学会 -数学学生的教育资源,包括研究生院资源.

工业与应用数学学会 – for students considering a career in mathematics, job-search and career information resources.

美国化学学会(ACS)职业 -将学生与化学领域的工作联系起来. – pharmaceutical and biotechnology national job listing site searchable by job category, geographical region, or company.

BioPharmGuy – is a website that lists internships and job opportunities for those looking to work in the biotech field. 该网站还列出了公司信息.

Chemical & Engineering News Jobs -由美国化学会为您带来.

NewScientistJobs -提供一系列科技工作、课程和职业建议.

美国物理学会 -为物理学家提供资源,包括工作和多样性倡议.

ScienceCareers – provides a comprehensive database of world-wide positions listed in Science magazine including research positions in industry, government, and academic settings. -可按太阳2注册平台(行业)搜索的国际科学职位数据库, academic, 和政府)和纪律(例如.g.、生物信息学、病毒学、环境科学等).

TheLabRat -科学家,研究人员和实验室老鼠的信息中心. 找一些生物技术和制药方面的工作.

Gap Year Resources

USA Gap Year Fairs
AmeriCorps – state and national volunteer and leadership opportunities; VISTA program; Conservation Corps.
Public Allies
Teach for America
City Year AmeriCorps
Service Year Alliance
American Red Cross
U.S. 鱼类及野生动物管理局

Volunteer Globally
BUNAC -有偿提供在国外寻找短期工作的帮助.
太阳2平台交流委员会 -有偿提供在国外寻找短期工作的帮助.
AIESEC  -有偿提供在国外寻找短期工作的帮助.
Peace Corps
Peacework -可持续社会变革运动.
Global Service Corps -国际志愿者经验.
United Planet - 40多个国家的海外国际志愿者机会.
Volunteer World – NGOs in 80+ countries.

Adventure Jobs
短期工作经历 – wilderness therapy, great outdoors and conservation work, sustainable living and farming jobs, etc.
Jobs in Great Places -国家公园、度假村、牧场、宾馆等.
Adventure Jobs -独特的就业机会.

Employment Agencies

Aerotek -提供免费临时工的职业介绍所, temp-to-hire placement, 以及长期安置人员.

Altair -聘请工程师进行内部产品设计咨询, 将最先进的技术应用于现实世界的客户问题.

凯利工程资源 -专门为工程专业人员提供临时合同, 合同聘用和全职工作.

Salary Information

教育到职业工资计算器 – a leading resource for educational attainment to career outcomes data and used by over 5,000 employers and 2,000个校园就业中心.  数据来源于:美国.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. 美国平等就业机会委员会.S. 美国经济分析局.S. Federal Reserve, National Center for Education Statistics, and proprietary resources.

Glassdoor -让你了解公司的薪资情况, 评论和面试问题超过26个,000 companies.

PayScale薪资计算器 -提供准确、实时的薪资信息.

ZipRecruiter – salary data by major.


NerdWallet的生活成本 -提供了一种比较两个城市生活成本的方法.

Budgeting – helps you know how much money you will have available to spend on different aspects of your life.

Roomi -一个寻找室友和/或住处的应用程序.