Passing a CS Course by Exam

As indicated in the HMC catalog, 学生可以通过在考试中取得“优秀”来满足课程要求(这里的“考试”可能是指实际测试或项目,也可能是两者的结合)。. There are two possible positive results for such an action.

  • 学生既可以完成该课程的要求,也可以获得相应的学分. 例如, 完成所有CS X的作业并在考试中取得好成绩,既可以满足CS X的要求,又可以获得3个单元学分. This shows up on the transcript as “EX” in the grade column. The student gets the units towards graduation, 但没有成绩档案,因此学分不会计入学生的GPA.
  • The student may only fulfill the course requirement. 在这种情况下,没有单位学分,但该课程的要求被豁免.g. if the course is required for the major). This is listed as a “WV” within the registrar’s internal records, but does not appear at all on the student’s transcripts.

在一般情况下, 计算机科学系认为,只有当学生对某门课程有广泛的学术或实践经验,以至于复习不会占用他们的时间时,“取消”课程才是合适的. Such situations are rare.

基于先前经验的高级计算机课程的请愿书应提交给计算机科学系的主席. Specific rules for placing out of courses in the introductory sequence (CS 5, CS 60, and CS 70) appear below; for CS 60 and 70, nontrivial work and significant advance notice are required.




“I’ve already taken Intro CS, so why can’t I jump directly to the next course?答案是,HMC cs5课程中的大量主题和经验都不是其他地方入门CS课程的一部分. 例如, CS 5 includes (a) problem-solving in domain-specific languages (Picobot, JSFLAP), (b)真值表, 小项扩张, and compositional digital design with logic gates, (c)处理器指令级的问题解决(所有汇编语言的hmm子集), (d) finite-状态 machines and Turing machines (and, depending on the section, optimizing those machines for efficiency), and (e) uncomputability. These topics are not typical in introductory experiences and form a central, shared experience within the student-and-faculty CS community at HMC.


要想从CS 60中脱颖而出,需要付出不小的努力,而且这个过程跨越了一个多学期. 具体地说, 排班不仅要求学生在规定的时间参加期末考试, 而且还要创建和提交期末考试前和期末考试后的作品集. Only students whose home college is HMC may place out of CS 60.

  1. 在学期开始前,学生想要办理退班手续, 学生向院系提交一份简短的请愿书,声明他们退学的意图,并解释证明退学的先前经验. 如果院系同意学生之前的经验证明开始实习是合理的, a faculty liaison for the process will be assigned.
  2. 在学期的中期,学生开始了实习过程(如实习).e. before first half semester courses end), 学生应该向学院联络人提交他们撰写的Java和球拍项目的作品集. 这些可以是学术性的, 个人, or professional in nature, but should not include assignments from CS 60 (past or present offerings). 本作品集的目标是展示对面向对象编程的大量先验知识和信心, 函数式编程, 和基本的数据结构,甚至把CS 60作为复习也不值得.
  3. 作品集提交后,至少在课程预注册前一周, 一名教师(通常是联络人)将与学生会面,询问有关作品集和CS 60课程主题的问题. The purpose of this meeting, no longer than 20-30 minutes, is to ensure that taking the final exam will be a worthwhile effort for the student. 如果得到批准, students will be able to preregister—or if applicable, 为未来的CS课程预先安排,假设他们将在下个学期开始前完成CS 60.
  4. After getting approval for the portfolio and the oral exam, 该学生将与该学期cs60课程的学生一起参加定期的期末考试.
  5. If the results on that exam demonstrate high proficiency, the liaison will ask for a post-final-exam portfolio, a subset of the assignments from CS 60, to be completed at least one week before the start of the following semester. 期末考试后的作品集确保了CS 60中一些重要的共享经验也是即将毕业的学生背景的一部分.
  6. If the post-final exam portfolio is submitted on time and judged to be sufficient, 学生将通过CS 60,通过考试成绩和3个HMC学分.


从cs70毕业的过程与以上cs60毕业的过程非常相似(就时间表和里程碑而言), with the details changed to match the difference in course content:

  1. 在学期开始前,学生想要办理退班手续, 学生向太阳2注册平台提交一份简短的请愿书,声明他们的意图,并解释他们通过这些经历成为有效的c++程序员和有效的结对程序员. The goals of this petition are twofold: first, to let the department know that a student is seeking to pass out, 和第二, the department will evaluate whether one of the central priorities of CS 70, effective pair-programming practice, is already part of the student’s background. 如果院系同意学生之前的经验证明开始实习是合理的, a faculty liaison for the process will be assigned.
  2. 在学期的中期,学生开始了实习过程(如实习).e. before first half semester courses end), 学生应向学院联络人提交他们编写的c++项目作品集. 这些可以是学术性的, 个人, or professional in nature, but should not include assignments from CS 70 (past or present offerings). 本作品集的目标是展示c++和数据结构方面的丰富经验,这样即使把CS 70作为复习也不值得. Note that an important facet of CS 70 is professional programming testing, style, and documentation; these facets of the portfolio, 太, 会被考虑.
  3. 作品集提交后,至少在课程预注册前一周, 一名教师(通常是联络人)将与学生会面,询问有关作品集和c++的问题, about the data structures and asymptotic complexity covered in CS 70, and about other facets of professional programming practice that CS 70 emphasizes. The purpose of this meeting, no longer than 20-30 minutes, is to ensure that taking the final exam will be a worthwhile effort for the student. 如果得到批准, students will be able to preregister—or if applicable, 为未来的CS课程预先安排,假设他们将在下个学期开始之前完成CS 70.
  4. After getting approval for the portfolio and the oral exam, 该学生将与该学期cs70课程的学生一起参加定期的期末考试.
  5. If the results on that exam demonstrate high proficiency, the liaison will ask for a post-final-exam portfolio, a subset of the assignments from CS 70, to be completed at least one week before the start of the following semester. 这个期末考试后的作品集的原因是为了确保CS 70的一些重要的共享经验也是即将毕业的学生的背景的一部分.
  6. If the post-final exam portfolio is submitted on time and judged to be sufficient, 学生将通过CS 70,通过考试成绩和3 HMC学分