

All residents must be checked out of their rooms by Monday, May 13 2024 at 8 a.m

离开时把门锁上. If your door (or sliding door in 阿特伍德) does not lock or your lock is broken, notify F&M直接通过提交a 工作订单 在你离开之前把它修好. Similarly, lock all your windows and close your blinds/curtains when you leave. If your window won’t lock or is damaged, submit a 工作订单 to F&我现在要求在学期结束前把它修好.

Proctors and other staff will be going into all rooms to check that your room has been completely vacated. 你应该把所有贵重物品带回家. 任何遗留的物品将被丢弃. 根据你的住房合同, students who do not leave their room by the designated date and time of closing will need to vacate their room/suite immediately, 缴纳罚款, 并受到DB/JB的制裁.

The reason for the tight deadline is that the proctor staff can’t leave until the campus is completely unoccupied, 他们和你一样想离开这里. 你必须在早上8点完全离开房间.m. 虽然. 不要等到第二天早上才收拾行李.


Only people whose room doors are NOT behind a card swiped access door need to turn in their keys (West, 北, 阿特伍德效率和柱翻倍.) All other students will have their suite swipe locks deactivated on Monday morning, May 13 at 8 a.m. Everyone must return most departmental keys you have been issued. You must set up an appointment with your Proctor to turn in your key.

如果你在截止日期前还没交钥匙, your door(s) will be re-keyed and your student account will be billed $150 for each key you did not turn in.


ASHMC established quiet hours for all residence hall beginning on Sunday, May 4, 2023 at noon. 活动将于5月8日(周三)晚上10点结束.m. Please exercise prior restraint on your noise needs and respect all requests for quiet.

吵闹的时段是从8点45分到晚上9点.m. Sunday through Wednesday of exam week (with noise remaining on our side of Foothill and Platt Boulevards). 下午9点,Hoch餐厅将提供小吃.m.,紧接着是嘈杂的几分钟.


The residence halls for all returning students will open on Sunday August 25, 2024. The 2024年秋季提前到达 form will be available at the end of the Spring 2024 semester and will be linked here soon. Once the Office of Housing and Residential life reviews and approves the request, 学生将获通知. 每天的房费是30美元. 学生 participating in college sponsored events, work, and projects (i.e. CMS的运动员, 导师, and Proctors) that need to arrive early do not need to complete this form unless they are asked to by the Office of 住房和居住生活. 如有任何问题,请与ResLife联系 reslife@g.sunlineseliteservice.com.



离开时把门锁上. If your door (or sliding door in 阿特伍德) does not lock or your lock is broken, notify F&M直接通过提交a 工作订单 在你离开之前把它修好. Similarly, lock all your windows and close your blinds/curtains when you leave. The closed blinds/curtains will prevent burglars from deciding your room is the best to break into. If your window won’t lock or is damaged, submit a 工作订单 to F&我现在必须在休息前把它修好.

Proctors and other staff will be going into all rooms to check for unplugged appliances and ensure security for break. 你应该把所有贵重物品带回家. Because it is not always possible to take home large items such as computers, 音响, 和电视, 考虑把它们放在壁橱里或床底下. 在休息, building attendants will do their regular 清洁ing in common spaces (South, 阿特伍德, 林德和德林克沃德套房的休息室和浴室, 注意浴室和走廊, 以及所有的主休息室和单间. Remove all personal items from common/public areas (residence hall lounges, 庭院, etc) because 清洁ing will occur and items will be discarded. If you don’t want your room, suite lounge, or bathroom 清洁ed, email F&我通过 facilities@sunlineseliteservice.com. 此外,暖气将在休息时关闭.

Unplug everything in your room and throughout the residence hall. Unplugging also conserves phantom energy draws and reduces costs. 不 run computers or servers from on campus during break. 另外,一定要拔掉冰箱插头并解冻, 采取必要的预防措施吸收融雪. 这也适用于Sontag的套房冰箱, 林德公寓, 阿特伍德的效率, 和Drinkward以及South的宿舍冰箱, 情况下, 和林德. Proctors will enter your room and unplug anything you’ve left running. So, you may end up with a moldy fridge, a puddle of water, and a very smelly room.

根据你的住房合同, students who do not leave their room by the designated date and time of closing will need to vacate their room/suite immediately, 缴纳罚款, 并受到DB/JB的制裁.

The reason for the tight deadline is that the proctor staff can’t leave until the campus is completely unoccupied, 他们和你一样想离开这里. 你可以在普拉特呆到晚上10点.m. (不包括套房休息室). 你必须在早上8点完全离开房间.m. 虽然. 不要等到第二天早上才收拾行李.



  • Unplug everything, turn off HVAC, and defrost refrigerators
  • 锁好所有的门、窗/关上百叶窗
  • 扔掉所有易腐烂的东西,把垃圾拿出去
  • 把自行车带进你的房间
  • 宠物不能留下,必须带走
  • Remove all personal items from common/public areas (residence hall lounges, 院子里, etc) because 清洁ing will occur and items will be discarded


The residence halls will be open on 1月19日星期日, 2025 starting at 8am.


学生 will not be allowed in the residence halls during break, 除了先前批准的组(e.g. winter intercollegiate athletes) who must return early and are on the early arrival list. 没有返回校园之前 2025年1月19日,周日,上午8点.m. without approval and confirmation of being on the early arrival list. 如果您需要提前到达,请发邮件 ResLife@sunlineseliteservice.com. 每批准一天收费30美元. 宿舍生活人员, 运动员, and Sophomore Retreat participants are automatically added to the early arrival list.



学生 will not be allowed in the residence halls during the break, 除了那些被批准和在提前到达名单上的人. 当你一月份回来的时候, students who turned in a key may pick up a key by calling the proctor on-call at 909.717.7183 on 1月19日星期日, and Monday, January 20 from 8am to 5 p.m. 下午5点以后.m., you may contact your own proctor from your residence hall to pick up your keys or you may call Campus Safety. CS会向你收取30美元的钥匙费.

All other students will have their suite lock activated for card access by 8 a.m. 1月19日星期日. 1月20日(星期一)是员工假期,以纪念霍金博士. 马丁·路德·金., and most offices will be closed or operating with a small number of staff. The residential life office will have only a few staff members working that day.


如果你休息时把车停在停车场, 把所有贵重物品从里面拿出来, 锁定它, 记得出示你的停车许可证. If at all possible, take your car with you or move it to a more secure off-campus location. 休息时把自行车放在外面. 把它锁在房间里一个坚固的物体上.


如果你在2024年秋季没有住在校园里, you must move all of your stuff out of your room before you leave for winter break and 报名和监考老师开个结帐会议.  At the time of your check out appointment with your proctor, 你的房间要保持原样, 清洁, 从你搬进来的时候设备就齐全了. 所有学院提供家具(床、课桌、椅子等).)应按发现的方式设置(床可以保持放置). All keys should be turned in to your proctor during your check out appointment.

如果你要搬到另一个房间过春天, it’s best to wait to make the move when you return in January. 现在省去了麻烦.