
Below is the approximate square footage of residence hall rooms by type and location.

J.L. 阿特伍德宿舍207292157
东厅/米尔德里德E. 马德大厅200130


At Mudd, every student is provided with a bed, mattress, dresser, closet, desk and desk chair. Some rooms have bookshelves, and others may have a cushy chair, as well. It is up to the occupant to provide additional furniture.

额外的东西: 来自Overstock的家具.com. (使用优惠券代码121728可享9折优惠.)


所有的房间都有很强的顶灯. We do allow halogen lamps—as long as they’re used carefully to prevent fire. A desk lamp and bedside reading lamp may also be useful.


Every residence hall on campus has built-in air conditioning.


You can bring a refrigerator, but it should be small and energy efficient. 如果您想在到达后再购买的话, 或者订购上门取货, the following stores are within three miles of campus:

Finally, you might consider splitting the cost of a refrigerator with your roommate. 我们建议在到达前和他们确认一下. Fridges can often be bought during residence hall auctions, 在开学前几周举行.


学生可以在房间里使用微波炉. 自动关机的火锅, 爆米花机甚至是烤面包机, 安全使用, 也是允许的. 开卷的热板, 虽然, are not allowed in the residence halls (along with anything else with an open flame or coil). 的re are communal kitchens available for student use in South, Case, Drinkward, and Linde. 的se have refrigerators, freezers, stove tops and ovens, along with cupboard and counter space.

All residence hall mattresses at Harvey Mudd College require twin-sized, “extra long” sheets. Regular twin sheets will not fit on the mattresses. Blankets and/or comforters that are machine washable are recommended.

床上,浴 & Beyond has an entire line of sheets for residence hall beds available in extra long, along with lots of other useful items for residence hall rooms. 的ir closest location is at Ontario Mills Mall, about 10 miles east on the I-10. Target (located less than 3 miles away) also has a lot of bedding available.

You can find these sheets many places in addition to our suggested retailers. Keep in mind there may be limited supplies of extra long sheets in the Claremont area around 取向.

可能会发生停电. Bringing a battery-powered alarm clock as a backup to your electric clock-radio may be a good idea. 手电筒s are recommended for residence hall rooms, too. 宿舍里不允许放蜡烛.


不想在家具上投资? Go on thrift store runs with upperclass students after you arrive. 的re is plenty of good, cheap furniture to be found at a multitude of nearby thrift stores.


Freshman or first-year students are not allowed to bring automobiles, as Harvey Mudd College is unable to accommodate additional parking.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Dean Chris Sundberg at 909.621.8757 or chris_sundberg@sunlineseliteservice.com.


Harvey Mudd is a bicycle-friendly campus, as are the rest of 克莱蒙特学院. Bikes are particularly convenient for getting to classes on other campuses. 的re are bike racks at each residence hall, as well as near the academic buildings’ entrances. 然而,自行车经常成为盗窃的目标. Investing in a solid-steel, keyed U-Lock is essential, as thieves often employ bolt cutters.

Whenever possible, storing your bike in your room is the safest place.


During the academic year, personal storage is not available for students on campus.

暑假,我们鼓励学生参加 一切 和他们一起回家. 如果你需要帮忙保管, ASCHMC (student government) provides subsidized off-campus storage options. 存储 pods are taken off-site and locked over the summer, with no entry allowed.


的re is one building attendant assigned to each residence hall. 套房和公共浴室每周清洁一次. 休息室和庭院每天都打扫.

设施和维修办公室 (F&M)在这里以各种方式帮助学生.除了清洁服务, the department also handles maintenance and repair of residence hall facilities, 钥匙和刷卡进入, 房间预订, 夏季住房和场地服务. F&M offices are located in the basement of the Platt Center.


的 following is a suggested list of items to bring. A(*)表示可选项, while a (#) denotes things you should contact your roommate about before arrival.

  • Bed sheets, extra long twin (regular twin sheets will not fit on the mattresses)
  • Blankets and/or comforter (machine washable is recommended)
  • 枕头
  • 毛巾
  • 化妆品
  • Trash can (metal ones won’t burn if something catches fire in it)
  • 闹钟(电池供电和电动)
  • 手电筒
  • 计算器
  • 背包/书包
  • 洗衣篮
  • 洗衣粉
  • Quarters (for laundry: 1 dollar per wash, 50 cents for 45 minutes of drying)
  • 管道胶带(它能固定一切), 但是不要用在墙上, 天花板或地毯,否则会损坏它们)
  • Phone (not a cordless one, since it will not be functional in a power outage) #
  • 演讲者* #
  • 微波炉/烤面包机/咖啡机/热水器*#
  • 小型冰箱*#
  • Small fan (besides increasing air flow, fans provide “white noise” for sleep) *#
  • Iron/ironing board (our advice: befriend someone in ROTC instead) *#
  • 银器和几个牢不可破的盘子
  • 计算机(见 电脑及资讯服务 求助)
  • 相机
  • 电源板
  • 字典/同义词典
  • 房间装饰
  • 货架,牛奶箱等等
  • Desk light (fluorescent and compact fluorescent lights are more energy efficient)
  • 运动/爱好设备
  • Bike/skateboard/longboard/unicycle/freelines/scooter*

If you decide to work you will need official identification. Most students use a 状态 photo ID and their Social Security card or a valid passport. 其他形式的身份证件也可能被接受.
